About Me

Ornamental Gal

Jodie Phelan: Designer, Photographer, Small Business Owner

My Story

Founded on my love of travel and researching the bizarre world of cryptid lore, I began creating my versions of popular legends across the USA and around the world.   I originally started my Etsy Shop with ornaments inspired by my travels but have expanded as I’ve visited several places where cryptids have been reported.  Recently I’ve been researching the mythology and mysteries that surround the many cryptids across this beautiful country of ours.  After traveling to the Northwest, specifically Oregon and California, Bigfoot was an obvious first choice for me to bring to life, in ornament form.  That was a huge hit and since then many well-known Cryptids have followed.  I took a deep dive into the Mothman legend and visited the infamous TNT area and the Silver Bridge where he was spotted that fateful day.  I’ve been having a lot of fun learning about Cryptids across the USA and have even created a few from my home state of Ohio.  There are too many to name here, but I have plenty more planned in the coming year!  I hope you have fun learning a little history about these creatures and consider adopting a few.  Thank you for perusing my little handmade shop.  If you have a chance, stop by my IG and FB pages and say ‘Hi!’

My work was recently featured in the Voyage Ohio Magazine! Check out the article by clicking the button below. I was invited by Voyage Ohio Magazine to be interviewed for their ‘Inspiring Stories’ series. I feel very honored to be chosen to tell the story of how my my little Handmade Etsy Shop was born and how its grown into what it is today.

Thank you for visiting my blog, shop and supporting small handmade businesses like mine.  I hope my passion comes thru in my work and you enjoy all I have to offer.

Many Hugs,


Would you like a custom ornament made just for you?

Here’s how to Get in touch:

I have an idea for an ornament, can I have a custom order made just for me?

Absolutely! Surprise a friend or loved one with a custom ornament designed by you. Maybe a memory of a camping or girls trip, a loved pet, or even a hobby they adore. No idea is too crazy! Simply send me a message and together we will design something to treasure for years to come.

Custom work starts at $35 and up depending on complexity of the design and is required to paid in full before work is started. Turnaround time is 1 ~ 2 weeks. I use this time to source out materials and design your custom order. Sketches/photos are provided along the way.

Custom orders are open from January 1st ~ October 1st. Please plan accordingly for special Christmas gifts. All custom work is non-refundable and subject to becoming a listing in my Etsy Shop.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out at any time! You can reach me thorough any of my social media outlets or drop me an email, find all details below.

I'm just a quirky gal who likes to talk about traveling, becoming a part-time cryptozoologist, and making things inspired by her experiences. Won't you join me on my adventures?

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